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Secure Email Protocol

The City of Tulsa encrypts email communications using Cisco Secure Email Encryption Services to protect sensitive data from potential security threats. This is especially important when emails are being sent to recipients outside the City of Tulsa domain. If you receive a secure email from a City employee, it will look a little different than our regular email.

If you have received a secure email from the City, you will need to access the Secure Gateway to retrieve your encrypted email. 

The email will only come from an official City of Tulsa email account with <employee name> and will look like the example below. The email will include a .html attachment.

Secure Email graphic 1.JPG

The body of the email will include “This is a secure message” with instructions on how o access your secure files:

Option 1: How to open on a Computer – you will be instructed to open the attached .html document.

Option 2: How to open on a mobile device – you will be instructed to forward the email to to receive a mobile login URL.

Secure Message Screenshot 2 updated.png

You will then be directed to the Secure Email Encryption Service sign in page. If this is your first time using this service, you may need to
register with Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service. By clicking the “Open Online” button, you will be able to open their encrypted email message.

Secure Email gaphic 2.JPG