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Winter Weather, Service Update Feb. 20, 2025


Most In-Person City Services, Facilities to Reopen Friday

The City of Tulsa is currently in day three of its snow and ice response efforts, while also addressing the challenges posed by extreme cold temperatures.

With road conditions improving and warmer temperatures on the way, most services will be returning to normal operations tomorrow but street crews will continue to be on a 24-7 response to address the refreeze tonight. All shelter operations remain in place.

Streets Update
City of Tulsa street crews remain on 24-hour snow and ice operations. With the help of sunshine, crews have been applying salt today to help further melt ice/snowpack on all of Tulsa’s main roads. Tonight, brine crews will return to treat any refreeze that may occur.

The City's snow and ice routes, in addition to the resources the City has to treat Tulsa's roads, can be found online at

Getting People Inside
Outreach teams from A Way Home for Tulsa agencies continue to ensure those experiencing homelessness have knowledge of safe and warm spaces available to them. To see the complete list of area shelters, in addition to needed donation items and how you can report someone in need of shelter, visit Housing Solutions' Winter Weather Resources page at ⦁

Trash & Recycling Update – Pickup to Resume Friday
The City’s trash haulers will attempt to resume service on Friday.

⦁ Monday & Tuesday Trash Customers - Haulers will attempt to service your trash carts on Friday
⦁ Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Trash Customers - Haulers will attempt to service your trash carts on Saturday

THE BOTTOM LINE: If your trash hasn’t been serviced this week, please leave your trash cart at the curb and crews will resume collection as soon as conditions allow.

Backyard Customers: Your carts will be serviced as long as fence gates are not frozen.

If any trash cannot be picked up by Saturday, customers will be allowed to set out a reasonable amount of extra, bagged trash (similar to how much would normally fit in a trash bin), next to their gray trash cart on their regular service day next week. This extra trash DOES NOT need to be stickered.

The same can be said of recycling, which was canceled this week and will be picked up on your regular service day next week. Extra recyclables can be placed in a recyclable container (i.e. cardboard box) and set next to your blue recycling bin on your regular service day next week.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have extra trash and recyclables, please DO NOT intermingle them both into one pile, as doing so could result in items not being picked up.

For the latest updates on trash collection, follow the City on Facebook, @CityofTulsaGov, or check

Additional City of Tulsa Service Updates
While most in-person services were canceled at City facilities today, the City will largely reopen for business on Friday, Feb. 21. Visitors to any City facilities are asked to walk on cleared pedestrian walkways, where possible, as to limit the risk for slips, trips, and falls. If you need assistance accessing City Hall on Friday, please call City Security at (918) 596-9100.
⦁ City Hall - Cashier stations on the main floor at City Hall and at the Permit Center on 4th floor will reopen Friday.
⦁ The City Clerk’s Office will be open on Friday.
⦁ Tulsa Municipal Court – Tulsa Municipal Court will reopen on Friday. Cases scheduled for Feb. 18 and Feb. 19 will be automatically rescheduled for April 3. Cases scheduled for Feb. 20 have been rescheduled for April 24.
⦁ Tulsa Animal Services – The Tulsa Animal Services shelter at 3031 N. Erie Ave. reopened today during normal business hours (2-6 p.m.).
⦁ Development Services Inspections – Inspections will resume Friday. Locations with difficult access due to icy roads or dangerous conditions will need to be rescheduled until next week. Emergency gas meter inspections will also occur. To schedule an inspection for critical utility repairs, contact Stephen Scott at (918) 519-8769 for Plumbing and Mechanical, Curtis Blevins at (918) 857-4004 for Building, or Steve Malugani at (918) 519-8746 for Electrical.

Tulsa Parks Updates
While all Tulsa Parks recreation centers will reopen Friday, most roads inside parks, including those at Mohawk, Woodward and Hunter will remain closed Friday. Park roads will be reopened as they are cleared, but visitors are urged to use caution until all the snow and ice melts.
⦁ All Tulsa Parks Recreation Centers will reopen on Friday, with the exception of Oxley Nature Center.
⦁ Mohawk and Page Belcher Golf Courses will be closed until at least Friday. Re-opening will be determined by course conditions.
⦁ The Tulsa Zoo will be closed Friday and is expected to reopen on Saturday.

As a reminder, most City business can be conducted online or over the phone:
⦁ Turn on, transfer, shut-off, or pay City utilities:
⦁ Pay a traffic ticket online:
⦁ Use the online Permit Portal:
⦁ Apply for open City positions:

File a 311 request or question:
⦁ Call 311 during business hours, or (918) 596-2100
⦁ Visit or download the Tulsa311 app
⦁ Email

Bulky Waste/Green Waste Site
⦁ Regularly scheduled bulky waste pickups will resume on Monday
⦁ The Green Waste Facility is closed and will reopen on Monday

Waterline Breaks & Household Pipe Protection
While the City has not seen a large uptick in main waterline breaks, there is the potential for more main and private breaks due to the extreme cold temperatures and the thaw cycle that is on the way.

Residents are asked prepare now and know the resources available to them:
⦁ To view waterline breaks on City streets, check the waterline break board at
⦁ To make a report (if your break isn’t on the board, yet) call Water Dispatch at (918) 596-9488
⦁ To report waterline breaks via email, with no wait times, email
⦁ If a pipe bursts at your home, locate your independent/private shut-off valve and shut off the water
⦁ If unable to turn off the water or you do not have a private shut-off valve, call (918) 596-9488

Tips for preventing household frozen or busted pipes can be found at

Pet Safety & Tulsa Animal Welfare
With temperatures continuing to be below 25 degrees until at least midday Friday, all pets need to be brought inside and have access to water that is not frozen.

If you see someone leaving their dog out for prolonged periods of time in this weather in Tulsa, call Tulsa Animal Services at (918) 596-8001.

Metro Link Tulsa
MetroLink Tulsa will reopen on Friday on snow and ice routes. Denver Avenue Station will also reopen and will resume its service as a warming station during normal operating hours.

For the latest updates, visit

Stay Prepared
For a more complete list of tips and resources during times of extreme cold weather, visit the City of Tulsa’s winter weather resources page at