A community design workshop for the Crosbie Heights neighborhood will be held Thursday, May 17, from 6 to 7:45 p.m. at New Beginnings Community Church, 1401 Charles Page Blvd.
Crosbie Heights is located south of Highway 412, west of I-244 (leg of Inner Dispersal Loop), and north of the Arkansas River, with South 25th West Avenue on the western boundary.
This community design workshop will allow residents to provide feedback on the upcoming sector plan for Crosbie Heights. The sector plan allows the City of Tulsa and various partners to utilize different policies, strategies, and funding sources to implement plan recommendations and facilitate future development of land within the sector.
The workshop will include an initial analysis of Crosbie Heights, followed by a live-polling activity that will give participants the opportunity to provide key insights to the planning team. After the presentation, participants may join smaller groups for a mapping exercise that will help guide the vision for the future of the Crosbie Heights neighborhood.