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City Activates School Zone Lights for Tulsa Public Schools Locations Participating in Grab-And-Go Meal Program

This article was archived on 6/7/2020

Started today, the City is activating school zone lights between 10:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. on weekdays at TPS school locations participating in the Grab-And-Go meal program.

The activation of school zone lights directly ties to the Grab-And-Go meal program, which provides weekday breakfast and lunch meals to children ages 18 and under. There are nearly 40 different Grab-And-Go sites that the City will turn school zone lights on for.

Parents and children should use caution and utilize school crosswalks when reporting for meals, as crossing guards will not be present.

Though the City is only turning school zone lights on for TPS sites involved in the Grab-And-Go meal program, TPS also operates a weekday Mobile Meals program. The program has nearly 170 bus parking spots around Tulsa, which provide meals to all children ages 18 and under. At each stop, buses park and distribute meals for about 5 minutes, or until the last meal is served.

For a list of participating school sites and more information about TPS Meal Sites, visit:

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