A public meeting with the latest information about the City of Tulsa Brownfields program will be held Thursday, Nov. 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Rudisill Regional Library Ancestral Hall, 1520 N. Hartford Ave. This meeting will focus on cleanup of contaminated sites and buildings. The public will have the opportunity to review a new cleanup proposal for City-owned property at 103 N. Trenton Ave.
With support of grants from the Environmental Protection Agency, Tulsa’s Brownfields program allows work on topics related to environmental justice. Environmental justice relates to the presence of disproportionately adverse human health and environmental impacts in disadvantaged communities, as well as the ability of disadvantaged communities to meaningfully participate in activities related to these issues.
Tulsa’s previous brownfields work on this topic has included the North Tulsa Area-wide Brownfields Planning, the Route 66 Assessment Grant, Evans-Fintube site and other north Tulsa cleanup projects, and redevelopment supported by the Revolving Loan Fund.