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2024-2025 Winter Weather Updates

This article was archived on 1/26/2025
Warming Stations Available; City Prepared for Winter Weather
Following a large response to the City of Tulsa's recent social media post about available warming stations, the City wants to further remind residents that the following facilities are open and available during the 2024-2025 winter season:
During times of extended extreme cold temperatures, temporary shelters may be made available. Whether you are an organization interested in setting up a temporary warming station, you know of someone who needs assistance riding out the cold, or you want to learn more about warming stations in Tulsa, visit 
While the current forecast does not show extreme cold weather, the City of Tulsa has geared up preparations in case Tulsa receives winter weather. The Public Works Department consistently watches the weather forecasts and conditions to be ready for whenever the first winter storm comes, and for other storms that may occur this season.
After a snow or ice storm begins, the goal is to make expressways and arterial streets safe and passable as soon as possible. These resources are available to attain this goal:
During winter weather response, the first focus is to clear city arterial streets for emergency responders. After arterial streets are clear, the second focus then moves to residential or collector streets near hospitals, schools and areas with steep hills. The following link includes every map and route the City uses for arterial streets, collector streets, schools and steep hills: 
Want to receive updates on emergency weather information and create a disaster plan for your family? Download the free Tulsa Ready app, compatible with Android and iOS systems.