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Parks, Culture and Recreation

City Chief of Parks, Culture & Recreation | Department Director: Anna America

Mission & Vision Statement: To create, provide and preserve quality parks and recreation opportunities that meet community needs for the health and well-being for all Tulsa citizens.

Quick Facts: Tulsa Parks manages 135 parks covering roughly 6,553 acres. This includes the Redbud Valley Nature Preserve, two specialty centers, and six community centers with various amenities including, fitness facilities, gymnasiums, art studio space and meeting rooms. There are 57 miles of walking trails, one skate park, three dog parks, and five swimming pools. In addition, there are 227 sports fields*, 99 playgrounds, 94 tennis courts, 8 outdoor pickleball courts, 13 water playgrounds, 18 splash pads, 96 picnic shelters, 4 golf courses and 8 disc golf courses.**

*132 diamond fields and 95 rectangular fields
**29 basketball courts and 36 half courts

(918) 596-PARK (7275)

Upcoming Events:

  • Spring Soccer League | Summerglenn Plaza | 3710 S 136th E Ave. | Season begins Mar. 29 - May 17 | Grades: K-5 | $65
  • PAWS Egg Hunt | Whiteside Community Center | 4009 S. Pittsburg | April 12 | 10-11 a.m.
  • Spring Fling Egg Hunt | Owen Community Center | 560 N. Maybelle Ave. | April 12 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Reed Egg Hunt | Reed Community Center | 4233 S. Yukon Ave. | April 17 | 6-7 p.m.

Quick Links

Park Map & Locations | Park Rules & Department Policies | Recreation Programs & CentersEnroll Online for Programs & Events |

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@TulsaParks on Facebook | @tulsaparksandrec on Instagram