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The Greater Tulsa Area African American Affairs Commission (GTAAAC) is a group of mayoral appointed volunteers established by City Ordinance in 2017. The Commission is comprised of 23 representatives from the African American community. The Commission primarily serves in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council by conducting research and recommending policies, programs, and initiatives to aid their community.

The Greater Tulsa Area African American Affairs Commission is one of six Title V Commissions staffed by the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Equity (MORE). It heavily contributes to City of Tulsa’s Resilience Strategy pillar to build an inclusive future that honors all Tulsans and celebrates our diversity. The Resilience Plan serves as a roadmap to address Tulsa’s most pressing challenges and seeks to build capacity among residents, city systems, and community partners to build a more resilient, equitable, and world class city.

The Commission is made up of twenty-three members of African American descent appointed by the mayor. Twelve members serve as representatives for organizations whose primary mission is to advance or provide services to African American culture and heritage. Eleven members serve at large.

In addition, the Commission has three standing committees, which include:

Photo: GTAAAC with Dr. Ebony Johnson

Commission Members

Patricia Carter-Breeckner
Marquess Denniss
Dr. Dewayne Dickens - Chair
Brian Humphrey  - Vice Chair
David Harris
Margaret Love
Tracye Love Chandler
Larissa McNeil
Anthony Payne
Jon Paul Ray
Jameelah Stuckey
Maybelle Wallace
Juddie Williams
Kristi Williams
Tony Williams

Focus for 2024

2024 End of Year Report

Past Initiatives


The GTAAAC meetings are held at 6 pm. on the second Tuesday of every month (except July and December) at City Hall, located at 175 East 2nd Street, 10th Floor, North Conference Room.

For more information about GTAAAC, please email the Mayor's Office of Resilience and Equity at: The staff liaison will direct your question to the Commission. Meetings are open to the public or you can follow on TGOV Online. For a list of meetings for the year and agendas, please visit: Agendas

To access past meeting minutes please visit: Meeting Minutes