Complete Streets are defined as those that provide safe, accessible and convenient transportation facilities for multiple modes of travel and accommodate all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit riders, freight providers, emergency responders and motorists. Complete Streets are safe and accessible for users of all mobility levels.
With this definition in mind, Complete Streets are designed for a multi-modal level of service. This takes into account how well an urban street serves the needs of all users - auto drivers, transit passengers, bicycle riders, and pedestrians.
When the City of Tulsa adopted the new comprehensive plan - PlaniTulsa - in 2010, the City of Tulsa also adopted the concept of "Complete Streets." The Tulsa City Council then approved a Complete Streets Resolution in 2012.
Through PlaniTulsa, the vision for Tulsa places an emphasis on coordinating transportation facilities' design with the land uses or context they serve. Like many American cities, Tulsa's transportation system has been historically oriented to support automobile-based land development.
While cars will continue to play a large role in how Tulsans get around town in the future, significant support exists in Tulsa for expanding the range of transportation options and developing urban areas that are walkable, bikeable, and easily served by transit. Fortunately, Tulsa has a well-connected, gridded street network that possesses the elements needed to transform into a high performance, multi-modal transportation system. The basis for creating a more multi-modal Tulsa is Complete Streets.