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Rain Barrels

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A rain barrel attaches to the gutter on your home to catch rainwater that falls onto your roof. You can use the water to wash your car, top off your swimming pool and, most commonly, to water your garden or lawn. Harvesting rainwater prevents stormwater runoff from picking up pollutants as it flows into the streets and storm drains which then flow untreated to our local streams. Harvesting rainwater also allows stormwater to soak into the ground decreasing scouring flows of stormwater to streams in urban areas after rainfall.

The City of Tulsa is partnering with Upcycle offer rain barrels at a discounted rate to the public. The City of Tulsa does not endorse any vendor over another. Nor is this the only vendor who offers rain barrels. Review this information and visit the vendor website for more information to choose the best rain barrel for you!

Upcycle Products   

TS 55-gallon repurposed Rain Barrel. Preassembled. Color options (Black, Gray, Terra Cotta, Blue) Includes mosquito screen, overflow spigot, and linking capability.


To Order:

You c

Pick up for rain barrels ordered in the Spring sale:

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