Erosion and Sediment Controls
Vegetative Controls
Structural Controls
Helpful Hints
Material Storage
Any site where soils are exposed to water, wind or ice can have soil erosion and sedimentation problems. Listed are seven ways to limit and control potential problems.
Selecting the best set of sediment and erosion preventive measures for your industry depends upon the nature of the activities and other site-specific conditions (soil type, climate and season).
The local Natural Resource Conservation Service can provide information on any special measures necessary to promote the establishment of vegetation, (918) 280-1596.
Vegetative cover reduces erosion potential in four ways:
Common vegetative practices:
Structural practices used in sediment and erosion control divert storm water flows away from exposed areas, convey runoff, prevent sediments from moving offsite, and can also reduce the erosive forces of runoff water. The controls can either be used as permanent or temporary measures. Measures can include the following:
All sediment and erosion control practices must be inspected every 14 days and within 24 hours after a 0.5 inch or more rain. If any visible sediment is leaving the site, corrective action must be taken.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3), consists of phases and activities to, first, characterize your site, and then, select and carry out actions which prevent the pollution of storm water discharges. The SWP3 and weekly reports must be kept and available for authorized inspectors.
A Notice of Intent (NOI) is a formal notice to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted by the owner/operators of a construction site 1 acre or greater. The NOI provides information on the permittee, location of discharge, type of discharge and certifies that the permittee will comply with conditions of the general permit. A copy of the NOI and Permit number should be kept at the construction site with the SWP3.