Online Permitting
Self-Service Portal | Tutorials | FAQ
Links to forms you need for doing business with Development Services are listed below.
Do I have to register to view permits in the Citizen Self-Service Portal (CSS)?
No, guest access allows you to search permits by type, address, and date range.
How do I get a list of all of the Commercial or Residential permits?
In the permit number search field, enter BLDC for Commercial or BLDR for Residential.
Why don't I get any results when I search for an address that has permits?
You may be entering the address incorrectly. For example, the correct format is 549 E 36TH ST N with no punctuations marks. Use abbreviations for the directions (E, W, N, S not East, West, North, South.)
How can I see a copy of the building plans?
An approved copy of the plans should be in Supporting Documents once the permit has been issued.
What is my username?
You create your own username using the email address associated with your permit applications.
Is it possible for additional people to register to see my permit activity?
Yes, anyone who is added as a contact on your permit may view it in CSS.
What happens if my CSS account is locked? Wait 10-15 minutes and try again. You may need to reset your password using the link below the login area.
I'm not sure what permit type I should select. What should I do?
Select "All" from the Permit menu and review the descriptions shown for each permit type. If you need further assistance contact a Permit Specialist in the Permit Center for assistance with your selection, 918-596-9456. You cannot change the type of permit once the application is complete
How do I change the type of permit if my application is complete?
You cannot change the type of permit. You will have to contact us to void the original application and submit a new one with the correct permit type.
Why won't the system find my address?
If you know the address is within Tulsa city limits, you are probably using the wrong address format. (See #3 under Guest Access above.)
Is there anything I need to do as a participant in the Professional Builder's Program when I apply for a permit online?
Yes, you need to chose Professional Builder from the Contact Type when you add yourself as a contact to the permit application.
Do I have to complete my application once I start it?
No, the system allows you to save your work as a draft that you can complete at a later time.
What happens after I complete my application online?
Trade permits are issued by the system after all fees are paid.
Building permits applications are reviewed by a Permit Specialist to ensure that the application is complete and that the required documents have been uploaded. Your application then goes into queue for review.
Why has "Due Date" passed for a review but it still says "Pending Assignment?"
Due dates do not indicate the actual timeline for when reviews are done. Reviews are done on a first come, first served basis and the timeline varies according to several factors: number of projects in the system, complexity of projects, number of reviewers available, etc.
What is EReviews?
It is a system that allows permits applications to be processed entirely electronically.
How does it work?
The applicant uploads their plans to EReviews at the time of application. (The link to EReviews is at the bottom of the page in CSS.)
Plans reviewers view the plans electronically and make their comments online.
The applicant uploads their response into the EReviews module. (Note: All the required reviews must be complete before the system will accept revisions.)
Do I have to use EReviews?
No, we still accept paper plans and you may upload plans to Supporting Docs.
How will I know if my application requires revisions?
A number in the red "Attention" circle on your dashboard, indicates that a reviewer requires a resubmittal. Click that circle to view a list of the permits requiring action from you. Select Failed Reviews and Details to view the reviewers comments for EReviews or download a copy of your Letter of Deficiency from Supporting Docs.
How do I respond to comments or Letters of Deficiency
Revisions to paper submissions should be submitted on paper in the Permit Center.
Revisions to electronic submissions should be uploaded to the Self-Service Portal in either Supporting Docs or EReviews.
The reviews are done. Why don't I have my permit?
Once the reviews are complete there are some additional steps that must be taken before we can issue your permit. Final plans sets are compiled, stamped and counted. Fees are assessed and invoices are issued for unpaid fees. Fees must be paid in full.