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Children's Mental Health Initiative

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The Tulsa Children’s Mental Health Initiative (CMHI) aims to implement, expand, and integrate the Systems of Care (SOC) approach for youth mental health in Tulsa. The foundation of this effort is centered on youth and family voice as the primary driving force of decision and action. The Tulsa CMHI focuses on providing resources to improve mental health outcomes for children and youth, birth through age 21, at risk for or with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families in Tulsa. The Tulsa CMHI is led by a Governance board, facilitated by a Team of community-based partners, and informed by various advisory groups, including a Crisis Advisory Group.

The mission of the Tulsa Children’s Mental Health Initiative is to work with families and mental health providers to meet the unique needs facing Tulsans today. 

The vision of the Tulsa Children’s Mental Health Initiative is that All Tulsans can access quality mental health care that is focused on family and youth needs. 

The core values the CMHI Governance, Community-based Team, and Crisis Advisory Group has agreed to adhere to include the following:

  • Value the work of systems-change through decision maker investment of time, demonstrated commitment to effort, and fostered buy-in from community 
  • Contribute to systems improvement, including workforce development and retention efforts and financial and infrastructure sustainability plan 
  • Clear and transparent communication with mutual respect  
  • Inclusive and intentional engagement by centering youth and family voice 
  • Meaningful contributions to increase equitable, timely, and effective access 
  • Multi-directional considerations, including cultural and linguistic focus 
  • Inclusive of Youth Mental Health and Family Resilience Commission findings and evidence-based practices 

The Tulsa CMHI works with partners across the city, however specific partners have been contracted to support the beginning work of the Tulsa CMHI. These include Counseling & Recovery Services of Oklahoma, Family & Children’s Services, and Oklahoma Family Network.

Counseling & Recovery Services of Oklahoma is dedicated to providing comprehensive mental health, physical wellness, and substance abuse services to children in our community. Our children’s services include crisis intervention services, individual and family therapy, Wraparound services, life skills coaching, medication management, and primary health screening and monitoring. Our crisis services include the CALM Center, a 24/7 brief residential treatment program for youth aged 10-17, and YES Tulsa, a crisis assessment center with short-term safe spaces, crisis evaluation, and stabilization.

Children who’ve suffered trauma often have complex needs and require creative, customized interventions to recover and realize their potential in life. Family & Children’s Services brings expertise and experience to provide specialized wrap-around services that promote children’s healing and support families impacted by trauma.

Oklahoma's Family-to-Family Health Information Center. OFN Staff and OFN Support Parents are trained, experienced family members who are familiar with the emotions, fears and realities that parenting a child with behavioral health needs can present. They too have walked the challenging path of having a child with behavioral health needs and have a listening ear and wisdom to share.

What is Systems of Care?

The Tulsa CMHI is foundationally grounded in the Systems of Care approach to youth mental health. The SOC approach is necessary to ensure that children, youth, and young adults at risk for or with SED, and their families, receive effective services and supports, and that providers collaborate to coordinate care in a family-friendly and culturally responsive manner.

A System of Care (SOC) is, first and foremost, a set of values and principles that provides an organizing framework or philosophy for systems reform on behalf of children, youth, and families. SOC is a spectrum of effective, community-based services and supports for children and youth with or at risk for a serious emotional disturbance and their families. It is organized into a coordinated network, builds meaningful partnerships with families and youth, and addresses youth and family cultural and linguistic needs to help them function better at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life. By promoting and offering a holistic approach to care, SOC optimizes mental health for all children and youth. The SOC core values that work is centered within are family and youth driven decision making, community-based efforts, and cultural and linguistic competence.

The Tulsa CMHI concentrates on cross-agency collaboration, policy and infrastructure formation, development and implementation of evidence-based and evidence-informed services, and sustainable financial, policy, and logistical infrastructure.

The Tulsa Children’s Mental Health Initiative (CMHI) is funded by a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Systems of Care (SOC) grant in the amount of $999,205 with a community-based match of $763,659 .