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Green Fleet Initiatives

Green Fleet Action Plan


To support the City’s sustainability goals, the Equipment Management Division (EMD) seeks to improve air quality, reduce dependence on foreign oil, reduce environmental impact, control costs, and reduce fleet emissions. The City of Tulsa’s Green Fleet Action Plan (GFAP) addresses the management, operation and procurement of vehicles and equipment in order to improve energy efficiency, reduce petroleum consumption, and reduce harmful emissions. 

Green Fleet Accomplishments

  1. Honored in 2020 as the #1 Green Garage winner by the 100 Best Fleets Organization and National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA)
  2. Attained CLEAN Fleet Certification (CFC) in 2016 through the Coalition for Green Fleet Management. The CFC is a national program to certify both private and public fleet operations as energy efficient and environmentally responsible. 
  3. Honored eight consecutive years as a top-50 green fleet by the 100 Best Fleets Organization
  4. Awarded Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant to install public Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations and purchase electric vehicles.
  5. Operate four Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling stations; two for the City’s fleet and two for the public.
  6. Technicians are certified with the Oklahoma Department of Labor to maintain and repair the City’s CNG vehicles and infrastructure.
  7. Installed public-private Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations in four downtown parking garages and at one EMD maintenance facility.
  8. Use propane to fuel generators and off-road equipment.
  9. EMD has obtained grants and donations totaling $1.2 million for alternative fueled vehicles and infrastructure.
  10. Annually participate in the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) Ozone Alert! Program and serve as an Ozone Ambassador.
  11. Tulsa Area Clean Cities Coalition (TACC) member. The TACC promotes the use of alternative fuel vehicles, to increase energy security, reduce fleet operating costs, and improve the environment. 
  12. Started the Oklahoma Public Fleet Management Association (OPFMA) in 2013 to promote fleet best practices and clean fleet initiatives among Oklahoma’s government fleet professionals.
  13. EMD annually recycles used oil in waste oil heaters to heat maintenance shops during the winter.
  14. EMD shops are designated as active recycling sites (ARS).  Employees annually train to properly recycle metals, antifreeze, batteries, oils, tires, shipping materials, plastics, paper, aluminum, oil filters, and office products.  
  15. The City partners with the Tulsa Transit Authority to offer discounted bus passes to employees. Employees can purchase a monthly bus pass for unlimited rides to and from work. The employee cost is $3 per month while the City pays $42. The $3-per-month employee cost calculates to a transportation cost of $0.15 per day. An employee that spends $30/week for gas could ride the bus and reduce their monthly transportation costs by $117 or 97 percent. Riding the bus also benefits the environment, because employees travel to work in a CNG bus instead of a gasoline-fueled vehicle.
  16. Low watt CFL & LED lighting is used in the shops, at fuel islands, and at car/truck washing stations. This provides a brighter work space and reduces energy and maintenance costs.
  17. Car washes are outfitted with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices to eliminate unauthorized usage, and to efficiently control the number of wash cycles. Lighting is set by a timer at fueling and car/truck wash facilities to automatically turn off lights when the facilities are not in use or when it is daylight.

Green Fleet Strategies

Green Fleet Policies