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Film Production

A Film Production is any outdoor film-making proposed to block pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or to take place outdoors on public and/or private property. Professional film-making requests must be received no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the production.

It is unlawful for any Person to engage in the conduct of a Film Production on public and/or private property without first obtaining a permit from the Special Events Coordinator and paying the fee as set forth:

Public Property Film shall mean any Film Production conducted that utilizes Public Rights-of-Way (streets, alleys, sidewalks, B-roll, Drones). This includes using Private Property in conjunction with Public Property. The Film permit fee assessed shall be Two Hundred Forty Two Dollars ($242 plus system fees). This fee is nonrefundable. 

Private Property Film shall mean any Film Production conducted that utilizes solely private property outdoors. The Film permit fee assessed shall be Eighty Dollars ($80 plus system fees). This fee is nonrefundable. 

A Film permit does not negate the additional requirements of obtaining any secondary permits and/or licenses such as Park Permits and Drone Licenses including permission from private property owners. You will be responsible to contact the relevant agencies and owners.

The applicant must upload a Letter of Support from the Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture into the online portal to continue the City permitting review process.

CITY SERVICE FEES: View any potential cost recovery fees for police, fire, and/or other city services, online.

Call (918) 576-5636, if you have questions or need assistance.