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Councilor Kara Joy McKee

Councilor Kara Joy (KJ) McKee is a 4th generation Oklahoman with a passion for making our city and state better. While studying Botany and Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma, McKee came to the world of public policy as a citizen advocate for public transportation, underserved populations, and sustainability.

KJ's career has included assisting low-income families in balancing their household budget; serving as general manager of a first-of-its-kind online farmers market; leading Kendall Whittier Inc., a non-profit that operates a food pantry and community gardens in the Kendall Whittier neighborhood; and training Oklahomans how to advocate for a better state with Oklahoma Policy Institute and Together Oklahoma.

Throughout her career, KJ is most proud of the times she has been a part of something that inspires people to believe that we all can do amazing things even better together. As District 4 city councilor, KJ's goal is to engage neighbors and all members of the community to know what's happening with our city government and how they can be active in our Tulsa community.

Contact Information:

The best way to contact her is by emailing Dist4@tulsacouncil.org or calling 918-596-1924.

Councilor McKee is also on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The opinions or policy positions expressed on District webpages, either directly or indirectly, does not necessarily represent the view or position of the Tulsa City Council or the City of Tulsa.

Councilors news/blog/feed


D4 Update-August 21st, 2020


D4 Update-August 10th, 2020


D4 Update- Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 Budget: June 19, 2020


D4 Update-April 17th, 2020


D4 Update - April 14, 2020


D4 Update - March 31, 2020