Parkinson Foundation of Oklahoma
The Parkinson Foundation of Oklahoma is the largest and most active non-profit organization in the state dedicated to supporting Parkinson's families.

Pathways Adult Learning Center
This mission of Pathways is to provide a unique Christian program dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Philbrook Museum of Art
Philbrook strives to be an essential and exceptional participant in the cultural, educational, and economic life of a growing and diverse community , and remains dedicated to inspiring the broadest possible public engagement, access, and service.

Porta Caeli House
The mission of Porta Caeli House is to extend Christ’s love to those in need through compassionate end-of-life care, when dying at home is not an option.

Permanent Diaper Relief
Permanent Diaper Relief provides diapers and resources through multiple programs focusing on empowerment and self-sufficiency through education and sustainable products.