Cases on these days have been rescheduled:
If you have questions or scheduling conflicts, please email the City Clerk,, or call (918) 596-1625.
The Tulsa Municipal Court is a Court of Record, authorized under City Ordinance, with jurisdiction in the City of Tulsa. The Court is responsible for misdemeanor traffic, parking, and criminal offenses, as well as code violations for health, fire, animal, and zoning violations.
Mission of the Court
To provide for the fair, impartial and efficient administration of justice in an atmosphere that promotes public trust and confidence in our justice system.
Municipal Court does not suspend drivers' license. Service Oklahoma manages drivers' license suspensions and reinstatements. Any questions related to your drivers’ license can be directed to (405) 522-7000 or you can visit the Service Oklahoma website.
Court Administration
600 Civic Center | Map
Tulsa, OK 74103
Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | City Holidays
Thursday, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (See Night Court below)
Court Records - (918) 596-1625
Jail Bonds - (918) 596-9253
Probation - (918) 596-7750
Public Defenders - (918) 596-9393
Traffic Tickets can be paid online, at the Court address above, or:
City Hall
175 E 2nd St.
Tulsa, OK 74103
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Parking tickets are payable online.
Unpaid parking tickets can be paid with cash or with credit card, either at the cashier's windows at City Hall, 175 E. 2nd Street, or at Tulsa Municipal Courts, 600 Civic Center. If you are paying by mail, please include the TAG number or VIN, plus your citation number with your check or money order. Payments should be made payable to ‘City of Tulsa’ and mailed to: Tulsa Municipal Court, 600 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
If you would like to contest or plead not guilty to a parking ticket within 30 days of the issue date, you can see a judge by getting added to the docket Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., including Jury weeks.
Tickets more than 30 days from the issue date can be added during the normal add-on hours of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
If your car is booted, you can see a judge by getting added to the docket, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Add-ons occur at the Court Records window at Tulsa Municipal Courts, 600 Civic Center.
Starting June 17th, 2024, if you have citations with a warrant issue date less than 60 days of when you are trying to add on, you will be added as a same day add-on. If your citations have a warrant issue date more than 60 days of when you are trying to add on, you will need to call court records.
Why or when would I need to be added to the docket?
When can I get added on to the docket?
How long do I have to wait to be seen once I add-on?
Your court date will be scheduled from the date that you add on.
How can I pay my Payment Plan?
When can I pay my Payment Plan?
What happens if I can’t make the full payment by the due date?
If you cannot make the full payment by the due date, you will either:
Do I have to pay the same amount on my payment plan every time?
No. You can make any large or small payment towards your payment plan up until the due date.
Do I have a warrant?
Currently, the only two ways to search if you have a warrant is through:
How can I clear my warrants?
Varying on the type of warrant, you may either pay to clear your warrants or you may have to get added on to see a Judge. We highly recommend coming to Court Records at Municipal Court for further assistance.
What are the different types of warrants?
I received a summons for Jury Duty, what now?
Appear at Tulsa Municipal Court on the date listed on your summons received in the mail.
Where do I park for Jury Duty?
Do I have to pay for parking?
Parking is $10 for the day. For reimbursement, please bring your receipt and show it to the Jury Clerk upon arrival in the Jury Room.
Once I get there, what can I expect to happen?
How often does Jury Duty occur?
Once a quarter. This is during the last full week of Jan., Apr., Jul., and Oct.
Who qualifies for Jury Duty?
Anyone 18-69 years old that lives in the city limits of Tulsa qualifies for Jury Duty. However, any persons convicted of a felony are subject to be disqualified if they have not had their civil rights restored. Persons over the age of 70 are welcome but are not required to serve.
What if I have a medical condition keeping me from participating in Jury Duty?
Can I get a confirmation of service for my employer?
Yes, we can provide letters of confirmation for your service
What kind of cases will I possibly be a juror for?
Misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases
Will I get paid for Jury Duty?
• Yes. $50 a day in addition to the current IRS mileage rate of $0.67 per mile effective January 1, 2023. In addition to your service, you can be reimbursed for parking if a receipt is submitted. The check will be sent to the summons address.
How many people will serve on the Jury?
• The final jurors setting for a trial is six citizens’ total
How are worksites chosen?
Worksites for both probation and workorders are selected after your court hearing.
When should I have my requirements turned in?
All requirements must be turned in a week prior to your scheduled court date.
If you have any issues with the chosen worksite or need more information on your courses, please contact the appropriate probation office.
Probation Officers:
Division 1: (918) 596-7750
Division 2: (918) 596-7783
Division 3: (918) 596-7782
You have many rights as a defendant in municipal court:
Your Rights During Trial:
None of this information should be considered legal advice and you should consult with an attorney to be fully advised of your legal rights
Municipal Court can provide copies of records at your request. Requests for a copy of records can be done via email or in-person at our Court Records window inside Tulsa Municipal Court. Please send all email records request to:
With each request, a Request for Individual Record Form must be filled out for your request to be completed. You can find the form, policy and fee schedule online.
Requests can take one to three business days. Once your request has been completed, you can either make payments at our cashier window inside
Municipal Courts or send in a check to:
City of Tulsa Municipal Court
ATTN: Court Records
600 Civic Center, Second Floor
Tulsa, OK 74103
Your records can either be mailed, emailed, or physically picked up at Court Records inside Municipal Court.
Thursday evenings until 7 p.m.
Docket schedule: 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m.
Thursday Night Court offers residents extended hours to complete business with Tulsa Municipal Court.
Thursday evening services:
To confirm whether your citation qualifies for Night Court and schedule a date at least 48 hours in advance, contact court records by e-mail or call (918) 596-1625.
If you have a correctible citation (expired tag, insurance, and driver’s license,) email your documents to at least 72 hours in advance and bring them with you on your scheduled court date. Prior approval is required to confirm the scheduled court appearance.
A Spanish interpreter is available free of charge.
Night Court will not be in session on the following dates:
You can now request a on-street metered parking citation waiver if you park at an on-street parking meter and need to take alternate transportation (commercial or public) for safety reasons. If you leave your vehicle parked beyond the parking limit and receive a citation, you may request a dismissal as long as:
Citizens may request a cost hearing where a judge will determine their ability to pay and will be able to waive all or a partial of the costs. Cost Hearings are intended to collect court debt, eliminate uncollectable debt early, avoid the arrest and incarceration of people who have not been judicially determined able to pay and avoid continued civil rights lawsuits by providing due process of law in the collection process.
Municipal Court is committed to exemplary customer service. Please take a moment to tell us about your courthouse experience: Customer Satisfaction Survey.
All Bench Warrant Citations and Cases for Failure to Pay will incur an additional 35 percent fee once they are turned over to our collection agency.
You can access all careers at the City of Tulsa through our Employment Opportunity Job Board